September 12, 2007

  • In loving memory of Gracie

    in loving memory of gracie

    Dear Friends,

    I just haven’t known what to do or say.  Our little Gracie was killed in a horrible accident.  We came home to find that she had been killed by a big floor mirror in our house.  There was nothing we could do.

    I decided to write this post so I could let you all know what happened and to also remember how wonderful Gracie was.  At first I wasn’t able to tell anyone…because then it would be real and I didn’t want to burden anyone with such sadness.  Then slowly I started to share and the love and support of friends, family and even strangers has been so healing.  I’m just overwhelmed by the kindness of people. 

    Here are some of the things we loved and will always remember about Gracie:

    When we first saw Gracie she was in such bad shape – abused, dirty and scared.  Yet she had such a gentle spirit and a yearning to be loved.  I’d have to be really careful because if I accidentally tripped over her or opened the door on her she would get so scared and low to the ground as if she did something wrong.  She cried all the time in the beginning.  I’d wake up in the middle of the night to hear her whimpering in her sleep.  I knew that I would do anything it took to erase all the pain and suffering she went through previously.

    Gracie was a homeless dog at one point so she didn’t know about a lot of things.  She didn’t know that dogs love sticking their heads out of car windows (Gina taught her how).  She didn’t know how to play with toys (Bella taught her how).  Gracie was such a smart dog.  We were amazed when she learned how to “high 5″ just by watching Bella.  We had never taught her yet she one day just knew how to do it!

    Our Gracie was a little piggy.  She ate every meal as if it were her last.  One time we caught her chowing down on the crown molding.  Another time Andy, Gina and I were playing the Wii and made lots of carpet fuzz.  We each thought the other had cleaned it but then realized Gracie had eaten it all up!  Later we put carpet fuzz on the table so she couldn’t get to it.  It was blowing in the air conditioning wind so she was suspicious and barked at it.  Andy showed it to her.  She took one sniff and then tried to take a bite.

    Gracie was always a protector.  Even though Bella was older and much bigger, Gracie always looked out for her.  Once at the dog park there were two bully dogs who were scaring Bella.  When Gracie saw this she suddenly ran from across the park to defend Bella’s honor.  It was unbelievable…this tiny dog barked at two big dogs and chased them away to protect her sister.  Gracie was so patient with Bella.  She let Bella eat first and never complained when Bella stole her toys.  When we’d get ready to take them outside Gracie would grab Bella’s leash every single time.  It was so cute.

    Gracie was such an amazing dog.  People and dogs loved her anywhere we went.  She was so outgoing (as opposed to Bella who is the shy sister).  Most of you probably know about Gracie’s boyfriend, Redford.  He followed her everywhere.  Once she hit her head on a chair but because he was following her she blamed it on him and barked at him.  When she first met my mom she must’ve known that my mom was against a second dog because she acted like a perfect little angel.


    We are going to miss Gracie so much.  We’re going to miss having her hide in the shoe case and jump out when we got home as if to say, “surprise!”…we’re going to miss how cute she looks when she sits and does her special trot…we’re going to miss having her rest her head on our laps…we’re just going to miss everything about her.  Gracie isn’t allowed on the bed but we had this stool next to the bed for about a week.  She never came up until the last day.  That morning we woke up to her big wet nose and kisses and she just snuggled in with us.  I guess that must’ve been her way of saying good-bye.

    My parents said that Gracie wasn’t destined to have a long life.  She had a special purpose in this world – to make us incredibly happy when she was with us…to show us the dangers that lie within our own homes…to teach us to cherish every single moment we have with the ones we love because life is so fleeting.  I try to think of happy memories of her…yet the pain is still so heart-wrenching.  Sometimes I can’t breathe and I’m physically in pain.  I just think…if only I had known then I would’ve let her eat anything she wanted…I would’ve taken her to the dog park one last time…I would’ve spent more time with her.

    Thanks so much for reading and for remembering Gracie.  We’re leaving for South Africa so I won’t be able to respond to your comments/messages until I get back.  I also promise to catch up on all the posts/calls/e-mails/messages I’ve missed.  I hope you all have a wonderful next few weeks and truly enjoy your time with loved ones.

    I’d love it if you would leave a comment or message me with memories of your pets that have passed or just your thoughts on Gracie.  I’ll look back here to remember Gracie and cherish her memories.

    Take care,



Comments (74)

  • i’m sorry for your loss.  all dogs go to heaven!

  • your entry made me cry!! 

    i’m so sorry to hear about gracie. but she had a happy life filled with love, and that’s all that she wanted out of life.  both your lives were better because of each other, and i’m sure you have many wonderful memories of what a great dog she was. 

  • i have tears rolling down my face as i read this entry. i Love my dog and i’d be crushed if something happened to him. I can’t even begin to understand your pain and yet i wish that i could send you huge hugs and just be there as you cry. people that don’t own dogs don’t understand. they dont’ know how painful it is…how they become like your child, how there are things about them that make your day better and how you don’t know how you did without them. I’m praying for you. I pray that your heart will be held tightly as you  mourn your loss. thinking of you and Bella…

  • i’m so sorry to hear about gracie. i believe that there is always a reason for the things that happen in one’s life, and like you said, she was brought here on earth to teach about love and living one’s life to one’s fullest. may you have a blast in south africa

  • i’m so sorry to hear that gracie passed!  i loved your posts about her in the past and thought it was so great that she became a part of your family.  it must have been devastating to come home to find her that way.  >.<  i’m sure gracie was just as happy in your life as you were in hers.  You have a huge heart for giving gracie a loving home.  and thanx for the heads up about the floor mirrors.  i wanted to buy a few for my home and worried a little that it might tip over if my dogs ran into it but i thought that there would be very little chance such a thing would happen, but now i know that it really does happen, you just never know when.  feel better, like cant_fly_today said, i’m sure gracie’s in heaven now.

  • what a beautiful entry. gracie was so lucky to have met such a wonderful mommy like you and share her life with your family. she’s now resting peacefully in heaven hoping that you’ll be ok soon too. =) have a great time in s. africa and i’ll see you when you get back!

  • I am sorry to hear about Gracie!!!! I can’t imagine the ordeal that you have gone through. You have opened your heart and shared your love to Gracie and I am sure she knew how much she’s loved.

  • I have 2 maltese and I love them as if they were my kids. So I totally undertstand the love u must of have for both dogs. Im sorry to hear about Gracie but shes in a better place now. So hang in there and Cheer up soon.

  • I cried while I was reading this because it reminded me of my sweet Monique. Gracie was as lucky to have you guys in her life as you were to have her. In the pics you can tell how happy she was.

  • i’m so sorry for your loss. it must have been heartbreaking. =( i hope your time in africa helps you erase some of the pain you’re feeling.

  • i cried too!! i’m so so sorry for your loss. i can’t imagine how painful it must have been to lose her. thank you for sharing your story. it’s so admirable the way you loved her.

  • oh no :( i’m so sorry for your loss. we all know you loved gracie very much.

  • goodbye gracie~ rest in peace. im sorry for your lost. shes definetly in heaven =)

  • I can’t believe it!  I’m so sorry for your loss.  :(   Those are beautiful pictures of Gracie. 

  • aw, i’m so sorry for your loss. gracie was lucky to have you guys as parents. i’m sure she loved every minute of the time she spent w/ you guys.

  • i’m so sorry to hear about your loss. gracie was such a cutie & having 2 mini schnauzers myself, i have a soft spot for them. your words about gracie are so thoughtful and genuine, and made me fall in love with her too.

  • I’m so heartbroken for you.  Just thinking about the loss of a pet just hurts my heart. =(  Gracie seems like she had a gentle loving soul.  I think it’s wonderful you were able to be a part of each other’s lives even if it was for a short while…

  • hey skippee,

    i heard from andy about what happened. i’m really sorry to hear about gracie. hang in there, and take care of yourself in south africa.

  • Jenny, your story abuot Gracie made me tear up. I’m so sorry for your loss. I really admire you for taking Gracie in when she had nobody else to take care of her. She lived in a happy place, but I am sure she is now in a better place somewhere in doggy heaven.  (*tear).

  • OMG!! i am sooo sorry! i loved gracie and thought she was just a sweet lil dog who had such a kind spirit!! i’m so sad she’s gone! i was so happy that she had a new friend in bella. i’m sad…as i’m sure you are too. i am sad that i just found out one of our budgies in tokyo passed away too. his eyesight was going and he basically flew into a wall and died. that means all our birds in tokyo are gone to pet heaven. my favorite of our tokyo birds was dango because she was a freaky kid. she didn’t wanna come out of the egg and when we first brought her and her bro tango home, she basically spent almost an hour under my shirt in my armpit! she had a trick. she’d go in your shirt and go down, and come back up the outside, and she’d get mad and bite you if you didn’t open up your shirt so she could do it over and over again! haha she was hilarious! very funny. a bully but i loved dango. tango was awesome too! we had tatami mats in tokyo and tango was great! i would be studying japanese on the table where you sit on the floor and tango would be on the table with me with all my pens and pencils. he’d pick up a pen/pencil, take it to the edge and drop it and watch it fall! he was so clever and sweet! he’d continue to do that. he’d also even play soccer with a little ball on the tatami mat! i miss them. haneko-chan was beautiful and she was tango’s friend. it was hilarious that dango would push her off the perch and laugh (bob her head up and down. hahah ). we had to leave them all when i got misdiagnosed and had to leave tokyo, so they all passed away when we weren’t there! it’s ok, gracie’s in pet heaven with our sweet birds too. i’m sorry for you guys.

  • i’m so sorry for your loss. gracie sounded like she had a wonderful life with you guys.

  • I’m so sorry for your loss… Gracie was very lucky to have found a kind and gentle soul like you to take her in and nutured her back to health.. her time with you were very special.. you have learned from each… you were there when she needed you the most and vice versa.. she was very well loved.. now she is up in doggie heaven…you will be missed Gracie

    try to enjoy your trip in SA… take alots of pix.. remember I live vicariously through you.. heheh

  • we also had dwarf hamsters with our birds in tokyo. rin and ku. rinnie died because her foot got stuck in the cage and she basically died upside down because her foot was stuck in the cage and i was in the hospital then so i didn’t even get to say bye to her. dango always tried to flip upside down in the cage and she basicallly broke her own neck in the cage while we were in san francisco visiting my sis and bro-in-law. so we have our sad pet deaths too! 

  • I’m SO sorry to hear about your loss. :(   I know how much you and your hubby must have meant to Gracie as well.  Always remember the special memories that you guys shared together because in the end that’s all you have.  I’m sure that Gracie felt very lucky to have you and Andy as her parents.  Have fun in South Africa!

  • gracie sounds like she was a wonderful companion.  we have a dog too so i understand how you must have felt to lose a member of your family.  have a safe trip in africa!

  • So sorry to hear about your loss. RIP precious Gracie. Have a safe trip!!

  • i’m so sorry about gracie …. your parents said a beautiful thing – that gracie’s purpose was to bring you happiness… cherish all the memories you have with her and know that she was blessed to have found a loving family with you…

  • awwww i’m so sorry. hang in there. she was such a cutie.

  • your post and all the pictures of gracie totally made me tear up ~ what you wrote was such a beautiful way to remember her…thanks for sharing all your stories about gracie with us…she was really adorable….i’m here if u need me matey….

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your lost Jenny, but always remember this, God will never put anything in your life that you can’t overcome.  God never promised that life would be easy, but He did promise strength for the day, rest for labor, light for the way and undying love.  Take care.

  • My heart goes out to you! What a terrible tragedy to befall your family. We are so similar in our love for our dogs so I think I can really feel what you must be going through. Be comforted in knowing that you provided Gracie with months filled with love during the brief beautiful time you had her. You showed her the true warmth of having a home and the protection and security that comes with a family. This entry brought tears to my eyes. It made me relive the few weeks we went through with Barney during the first few months we had him when I thought he might die (they suspected congenital heart failure, it ended up being a diaphragmatic hernia). I still cry when I think about my childhood family dog who died at the age of 14 2 weeks before I was able to come home for Christmas. They will always have a special place in our hearts and I like to think that it is true what they say in the Rainbow Bridge poem, that our beloved pets are waiting for us on the other side and that for now, they are frolicking up in the heavens. Have a safe and fabulous trip to South Africa.

  • i’m so sorry about gracie.  pets are like our children, so it’s absolutely heartbreaking to lose them.  try to stay strong.  you’ll see her again one day. 

  • :: virtual hug ::

  • oh and btw, i know how incredibly difficult it was for you to write this blog.  thanks for sharing.

  • oh no~ i’m so sorry to hear about gracie. i hope you’re doing ok. hang in there.-j

  • aww so sorry to hear about gracie.  both of you were lucky to have found each other!  have a great trip!

  • That is such a sad story, but I’m happy you wrote in such a way in honor and memory of Gracie.

  • It was so sad to hear about your beloved Gracie yesterday.  Your tribute is beautiful and your pictures are adorable.  I realize that there was a lot to Gracie that I didn’t know (she had a boyfriend?), and I’m so glad you shared this with everyone.  It is very clear that Gracie was well-loved and became a valued member of your family.  When I saw Gracie at the dog park several weeks ago, she was so confident and happy.  I couldn’t believe it was the same dog that had been so sad and scared just a few months before.  You gave Gracie a chance to experience the good life before it was her time to go.  Forget eating whatever she wanted and going to the dog park one last time — you gave her several months of that experience.  To Gracie, I bet those last few months became forever to her.  The most important thing is that she went to heaven knowing that she had a family that loved her, and having experienced the life she always deserved.     

    I know this time is tough for you, but I also know how much you were looking forward to South Africa.  Please have an enjoyable trip.  (I can’t wait to see the pictures and hear the stories.)  We will all be here for you when you get back!  Take care buddy!


  • aww poor Gracie! I was so heartbroken reading this post, but glad that you have shared Gracie’s story. I’m sure Gracie had the greatest time living with you and Andy and Bella. Even though Gracie’s early life has been so sorrowful, be proud that you were there to offer all that you could give her, and Gracie is grateful for that.

  • Gracie was indeed a sweety.  I remember meeting her at Pinkberry.  She was cautious but gentle.  I agree with what you said about God using Gracie to open your eyes to things you were unaware of, like the hidden dangers in your home.  I now have no doubt you will be the best parents to the next deserving rescue.   

    I’m so sorry for your loss.   

  • so very sorry to hear about Gracie, sounds like you have so many fond memories of her…she is so lucky to have had owners like you especially after the life she had before meeting you…have a safe trip!

  • sorry to hear about gracie. :(

  • awww~ i can’t even imagine what you must be going through…. and i don’t even want to think about what it would be like to lose bbo-bbo.  i really don’t know what else to say except that Gracie was a lucky dog to have been adopted by 2 loving and caring people like yourselves.  she learned to love, trust, how to be a playful dog and experienced happiness all because of you. 

    hope your trip to S.A will give you chance to ease your mind.  have fun!!

  • I am so sorry about Gracie. But thank you for sharing about her life; she was a really special dog…

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Thank God she had the chance to experience good life in a good home before going to heaven. We also have a floor mirror. I better think twice about how it’s positioned. Have a great time on your vacation.

  • so sorry about what happened to your lovely dog.

  • Marvin and I send our condolences out to you two. It breaks my heart to hear this happen to a member of my family. Although I never met Gracie, I could see the joy and happiness that she brought to you and Andy’s life. It also sounds like you brought just as much life, excitement, and joy to Gracie’s life as well. She was extremely lucky to have found you guys as parents and I know you made her life all the more worthwhile while she was here. Little Gracie is off in heaven now and the fact that she accomplished so many things and has such great loves is all that matters. I know this is a hard time for you two but please try and look at the positives of the time you had with Gracie.

    Enjoy your time in South Africa and be safe! I love you both soo much!!!! :)

  • I so sorry… at least you had good memories and were blessed by her.I read your post yesterday and it made me so sad because it reminded me of my dog who died of cancer a few years back :(  I hope you can get through this toughtime well…

  • i’m so sorry for your loss. I’m actually in tears as I read this. I have little furbabies of my own and it just brings me back to the day my first one passed. She’s in a better place now and she lived a happy life with you all. Take care!

  • awww jenny, i’m soooooo sorry to hear about gracie.  when i read your post, it just totally made me cry!!!  you must be having such a difficult time dealing with this tragedy.  gracie is in a better place now, and thanks to you and andy and bella she finally got the love that she deserved and now knows what love is.  i will miss gracie also, she seemed like she had such a warm heart.  i hope you and andy have a good time in africa.

  • you and your hubby were such good parents to gracie. She lived a good life because of you guys.

    i hope you enjoy africa.

  • OMG! I’m so sorry Jenny. I told my husband and we’re both so sad we don’t know what to do. Your parents are probably right about her destined short life…but what a wonderful family she ended up having. You and your hubby, and Bella…and grandparents. Losing a pet is like losing a family member…I think only time can heal such devastation and sadness. She’ll wait for you by the rainbow bridge…until then, she’ll be playing with a bunch of happy doggies where there’s no pain or sadness. Have a wonderful time in Africa!

  • Oh my goodness…I can’t believe what happened…when I started reading your entry just now, it made me gasp and I’m in total disbelief. I still remember the entry you wrote when you guys brought her home, it made me happy knowing that there are people in this world like you with so much compassion that you would adopt such unfortunate dogs like Gracie and give her such a happy home. But your mom was right, Gracie came into your life for a reason. I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for you. I’m so sorry.

  • so so so sorry…i think thats my biggest fear with lola…hope your trip to africa goes well…

  • jenny, i’m soo sorry.. it breaks my heart to think about what you and your family (little bella included) must be going through. always remember the wonderful times you spent together and know that she is definitely in doggy heaven now. *hugs*

  • I am sure Gracie was so blessed to be in your lives as much as you guys were. I hope you guys have an awesome time in S. Africa, I know you’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. It’ll be good keep things off your mind. Our LA trip and Tokyo trip is cancelled :( I am really bummed but it’s for the better. I was really really looking forward hanging out with you again :( I’ll email you… Take care and have a safe trip! God Bless and Big Hugs!!! xoxo

  • oh hunny.. my heart hurts so much..

    can’t even imagine the pain you and andy have gone through.. so sorry love.. =(

  • jenny, i’m so so sorry for your loss :*(  it’s heartbreaking just hearing about gracie, and reading about all your wonderful memories of her made me cry!  she was one blessed doggie to have such loving owners, and i’m sure she felt every last bit of all that love.  thank you for sharing pics of gracie with us.

  • so sorry to hear about your loss – your entry made me tear up! it sounds like she had a wonderful life with you — just as blessed as you were w/ her companionship!

  • Oh Jenny I’m so sorry for your loss! Sorry I was away and didn’t read this until now… I hope you’re feeling better! Gracie is a very lucky girl to have you and Andy as parents. Please take care of yourself!

  • i was crying as i read this… i’m SO SORRY to hear about your loss!  gracie was such a sweetheart.  i regret that we only had the one play date with all three girls – bella, gracie & coco – but i’m glad that i at least got a chance to meet her in person.  let’s get together again when you get back, huh?

  • i am so sorry about what happened to gracie… i love image 1638 (the one bella resting her head on gracie)… you provided her a wonderful family…and i bet she is in doggie heaven now

  • I am so sorry for your loss. As a trainer, with so many animals I lose a pet almost every few years either to natural death and sometimes, accidents. Just remember there’s a dog heaven and they will always be with you.

  • your entry made me tear up because i too unexpectedly had to part with my dog recently. it was a painful experience, but i know my dog is now in a better place. i’m sure gracie is too. take care. 

  • i’m so sorry to hear of our lost… i’m crying here reading this… i just don’t know what i would do without my baby :(

    at least she had a happy & loving family/life :)

  • i’m so very sorry for your loss…i can’t imagine your grief.. it scares me as i have my own dog that i love and adore with every piece of my soul.  i do know that they are all gifts to us – they always manage to show us the true importance of life at it’s simplest.  love, friendship, loyalty & joy. 

  • aww, i’m so sorry to hear about Gracie! she sounds like she was such a sweetheart! at least her last days with you were so full of happiness for both her and you. it’s so heartbreaking to lose such a special pet. i was so upset when we had to give away my childhood dog when we moved to an apartment and couldn’t take her with us. and then i had a turtle who died on thanksgiving day. i had two turtles, a big one and a little tiny one. when i woke up that morning, the big one was upside down on top of the little one. he had fallen off the rocks and gotten stuck on his back. the water was low enough for him to stretch his neck and breathe, but the little one was squished under him.

    and i know i would be so upset if something happened to my cat, Sayuri. remember that dog i was going to adopt from well i was seriously contemplating calling that lady again in a few weeks since my birthday is oct 21 to try to adopt her for my birthday. but she was adopted 3 days ago. i’m pretty upset since i had my hopes set on adopting her. *sigh* i’ll just have to wait and see if another dog captures my heart like that one did. i know it’s not the same as your great loss, but i’m still pretty down about it.

    i hope you have a great time in south africa! i look forward to seeing all the photographs! :)

  • jenny, so sorry to hear what happened to gracie…

    from your stories of her, she seemed so wonderful to have around, especially to bella. she must really miss her special companion so much… =/

    gracie knew just how much you all loved and cherished her…

  • ohmygoodness… i can’t even imagine how you felt during this… it is so evident that you love and cherish these little ones in your life… gracie had a good life with you :)  

    hope u have a wonderful vacation!

  • I am soooo sorry for you! i adore my dog and would just totally break down if anything ever happened to her, i just lost one of my cats, he was accidently run over by my neighbor (mom wouldn’t let me sue….) and we had a huge funeral for him. I’m praying for you and don’t forget, God is ALWAYS there for you. 

  • be friend

  • That brings back really hard memories for me.

    I am so sorry for your loss.  Thank goodness memories live on…

  • Hi. I’m just a passer-by and just want to say this is such a sad post. It made me cry because I have two dogs and have always been a dog lover. I too lost a pup after a month of having him due to a birth defect. So sorry for your lost and Gracie will be remembered. She sounds like a great dog.

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