Hi buddies! Although I’ve been swept away by Instagram, blogging still has a special place in my heart. I always love looking back at all the special posts I had for Evan so I want to make sure I do the same for Joy.
Anniversary and First Birthday Photo Shoot
Our 6th wedding anniversary was on the day of Joy’s first birthday party so we wanted to commemorate it by taking photos! The super talented Sako from Sky Blue Seed took our family photos for us. For our formal photos I wanted it to be reminiscent of our wedding. Andy wore his tux, I wore a white dress and the kiddos dressed up too! Joy’s dress is actually a size 7-8 girl’s shirt but I loved it so much I turned it into a dress.
I also wanted to capture just the simple yet wonderful things that our family does together. We went to Whole Foods for some fun shots!
We ended our session at the park! By then Evan was pretty much done with having any photos taken, lol! Thank you Sako~~ for your patience and talent. We will always treasure these photos.
Letters to Joy
We have a book of letters that we write to the kiddos. We found it impossible to keep up with it regularly but we try for important events!
Here’s a letter from her daddy~
Dear Joy,
I can’t imagine my life without you, you are the light of my life and always always bring a smile to my face, whether I see you, or I’m thinking of you. You’re always so sweet when I see you first thing in the morning, or when I come home from work. I miss everything about you when I’m away from you; your little smile, your warm little arms around me when you hug, the little pats on my back that you give me, the kissing sound you make when I kiss you, your little voice copying my voice when I read or sing to you, your beeline crawl for me when you see me, then pulling yourself up onto me and when you snuggle your little head in the crook of my neck.
On our morning strolls with Bella, you’re strapped in tight with me, but you never complain or cry. Me singing songs, Bella pulling us along, your little hands reaching out to touch the trees and flowers. Always friendly to neighbors, smiling on cue when they make funny faces at you, you are the best little girl.
At night when you get a bath, again you never cry and just play with the water or soap bottles; and when I lay you down for bed, you always sneak a peek back out at me to check if I’m still there, but the long day usually gets to you and you doze off like a little angel. Our days together are short for now, but that time is precious.
However precious that time, it has flown by, you are almost 1 year old now. How I wish we could rewind and re-live the last year again, again and again. Happy Birthday my daughter! I love you.
Love, Daddy
Here’s a letter from me~
Dear Joy,
This was the hardest letter for me to write because it means that our first year together is over. A year where I got to spend every single day next to you...loving you, holding you, singing to you, laughing with you...so many incredible days. As you grow we may not get to spend every day together but just know that our bond and love will only get stronger. I will always be here for you...to cheer you on, cry with you, laugh with you and just sit with you & hold your hand whenever you want.
You are one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. There’s just something so special about you. You bring out so much happiness and gratitude from deep within me. You make me want to be a better person, to help others and to see the bright side of things.
I pray for you every single day...that you are happy and healthy, that you’ll grow up to be a kind, grateful and giving person, that you’ll love God, that you’ll always be close to your family, that you’ll find the joy in the simple things in life and that you’ll know you can truly do anything when you put your heart into it. I know that you are going to have an incredible life filled with so much happiness and great adventures. I look forward to a lifetime of priceless memories with you.
Happy birthday to my beautiful amazing Joy...my daughter...my best friend. I wished for you...and my wish came true.
Love, Mommy
Free Blurb Book!
I came across an awesome deal~ a free Blurb book! You can read all the details from the awesome Jen at I Heart Organizing (link). I made one for my Instagram photos and it was the easiest photo book I’ve ever made~ finished it in 15 minutes. If you don’t have Instagram you can use your photos from your computer or Facebook/Flickr/etc.
Digital Washi Tape
You’re in luck! My amazingly creative friend, Sooki, just made some digital washi tape and she’s sharing! You can find more info here.
Hope you’ve been doing great! Wishing you a very happy autumn season!